Some things defy description. 140 is one of those things.
We call it a “thing,” because it’s not simply a game - it’s a mystical, modern marvel of design, providing players with god-like control over a geometric universe of harsh shapes and sharp colors. It’s trippy, foreboding and all-consuming.
Jakob Schmid’s music is not just an extracted track list - it’s a custom, unique memory of the 140 gameplay experience, massaged and manipulated for the exact purpose of waxy, listening indulgence. Fused with a hypnotizing package design by Niels Fyrst Andreas Arnild Peitersen (who also collaborated on the game), this is one those rare albums that, given your full attention, will transport you to a higher spectral plane.
Steam code of the game is accompanied.
■ Music by Jakob Schmid
■ Digital download & Steam game code
■Album Art by Niels Fyrst & Andreas Arnild Peitersen■Includes Digital Soundtrack Download & 140 Steam Game Code (instructions sent via email after purchase)